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Manuel de construction de bâtiments - 5ème édition (En englais)

Building Construction Handbook summarises all elements of building construction practice, techniques, components and procedures. Information is presented concisely, in a highly illustrated and accessible style.
This is an essential text for all building construction students up to, and including, undergraduate level. It is an ideal resource for a wide range of courses including: BTEC National, HNC/HND, and Level 3/4 NVQs. The comprehensive coverage and numerous references to the latest Building Regulations, Water Supply Regulations, British and European Standards also makes this book an invaluable reference tool for construction professionals.
Manuel de construction de bâtiments - 5ème édition
Roger Greeno is a well-known author of construction texts. He has extensive practical and consultancy experience in the industry, in addition to lecturing at Guildford College and the University of Portsmouth. He also examines for City & Guilds, Edexcel and the Chartered Institute of Building.
Roy Chudley's books on Building Construction have helped many thousands of students gain their qualifications and pass exams. He was formerly a Senior Lecturer at Guildford College.
  • Topics presented in a highly visual and easy to understand layout
  • Ideal for students on general construction and building courses
  • Updated in line with the latest revised Building Regulations
  • New website resources available

عن الكاتب

Nawfel Mechekef


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